July 17, 2013 § Leave a comment

It is so easy to forget to appreciate what you have in front of you. An oft-repeated sentiment I am sure but like all cliches they seldom get accorded the full extent of their wisdom. These persons/things/state of affairs are often overlook simply because they are always there. We are somehow ‘trained’ to respond not to the constant but to the sudden movements in the bushes indicative of danger or the extravagant fireworks we see but once in awhile (if you live in Singapore that’s usually every 9th Aug). Yet, it is the constant that gives me strength, the constant that anchors me and enables me to deal with the myriad of changes that life flings in my path. I am not one to appreciate the constant and neglected too much for too long. Its so super important to water your lawn instead of staring down at your neighbor’s carefully manicured lawn and wish it would magically transplant itself onto yours. 

in other news, some constants that have made me smile recently:






in other news, PART B WHADDUP. My civil procedure video lecture is currently paused on one of my many tabs. probably should get back to that and -oh cries, advo

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