who are you to judge when you’re a diamond in the rough

October 26, 2011 § Leave a comment

i think i have been very fortunate in my life. i mean i was never really bullied or anything in school, or ostracized or laughed at, at least not to my face. i mean i knew people gossiped viciously about certain things but i’ve always prided myself on my ability to turn away. the latest ‘branding’ style of young celebs seem to be the ‘no bullying’ stance, like how all of them would say ‘oh i was bullied when i was in high school so i know how terrible it is’ etc etc etc. i always thought it was kinda fake and fluff and that bullying cannot be that prevalent.

but i take it all back now. i’ll totally swallow my words. bullying is prevalent, and not just among school children.

People can be so, so mean. to be honest my behavior at times probably constitute bullying too, and for that i wish i could apologise & take back. life is tough enough w/o having someone ragggg on you all the time.  we just don’t realize it because as we get older bullying is masked as jokes or friendly jibes among friends. but i guess my point really is that there is a line not to be crossed, even & especially among friends. perhaps my idea of friendship is overally romanticized but i believe friends should be there to encourage each other thru the rough tumbles of life, supporting and doing whatever you can to help your friends along in life. sure, friends are people too and we may sometimes act douche-ly, insensitively etc., and that is no doubt forgivable. the challenge is however separating the people whom you can truly count as friends and junk that simply ain’t worth the time. but but but i think we tend to be a little optimistic/whatever and want to give people second chances. the challenge hence is i think to separate the lost causes from those that can be saved.

the past day has been whoooooooop in terms of disoveries and its tough not to let things people say/do affect you. i still do believe these friends have the propensity to be nice but I don’t know if i can hang around long enough for them to realize/think friendship is worth a little bit of effort.

in other news..

katy perry quotes case law. don’t play play

My thought process #1 – why cooking so messy and tiring

#2 – why issit taking so long daaaaamn hungry

#3 – OMG COOKING TOTALLY WORTH IT!! I LUFF COOKING!! (excuse the excited ahlian in me)

CONCLUSION – love makes the world a beautiful-filled-with-cooked-food-place

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