wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

October 28, 2010 § Leave a comment

we had lunch at hatched before company seminar today. kinda disappointing, i liked it a lot better the first time i was there! but this time we tried their ice cream, which was surprisingly good. i had like the salted caramel cheesecake and jo had the butter pecan 😀 minus the fact that we had to chug our ice creams super fast cos we were kinda running late, it was an okaaaay day. and also minus the fact that i had no clue what wms was talking about 90% of the time. all i got was share buyback=company buys back their own shares, and that it may lead to capital reduction @*@&@*!&*!#* 100% greek. AND OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS:

we saw a dead red rat while acrossing the big patch of grass right infront of LKY

yes i think it was red. OMG I JUST WORKED IT OUT IN MY HEAD. uncle was saying there were red ants over the bleddy rat (!!!!) now i know why! i was wondering why the rat was red. AHHHHH i could have lived a happy & fulfilled life w/o those mental images save me.

didn’t take peektures so googled these

I like this menu cover

the awesome menu!


October 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

hope occupies such a central position in my life. i hope for a lot of things, not wish mind you, but hope. i don’t know if you’ll agree with me but i do think there is a fundamental difference between hoping and wishing. wishing is so much more wristful, but hope, means something entirely different. i can’t exactly put my finger on it, but hope carrys with it an air of optimism, of belief and of promise. which is why when we desperately hope for something and it doesn’t happen, we feel like our whole world momentarily crashes into nothingness. when we hope, we subconsciously plan & orientate our lives around the fact that thething we hope for will come to fruition. on hindsight, this entire space was created based on the belief that hope is an important aspect of our everyday lives.

prayer is the interesting one in the mix. prayer gives us hope, not specific things to hope for, because when you pray though you may have things that you are praying will happen, you ideally pray that God will take it where He wants it to go. and knowing that someone else besides your incompetent self is managing your life helps convey a sense of hope-that is true for me at least. some days when things get so tough and school and life and everything just gets me down and i reflect on how everything is completely and absoutely screwed up, a little voice at the back of my head reminds me that no matter how bad my situation seems, God is in control. and i’ll always remember joshua’s comment during CG in year one, that no matter how much you screw up, God will still make you tunics. Truly, we serve a great God.

i always loved christmas. its my favourite time of the year (next to school holidays and..nope thats about it) during which every shop in the mall is blasting christmas oldies, and everywhere you go you see christmas sales, christmas goodies (<3 christmas fooood, omg whyyyyy do I torture myself with the thought of turkey and ham and roast beef and potatoes naaaooo)  and of course, peppermint mocha at starbucks which caused my bankruptcy between nov-dec last year. its probably gonna happen again this year, oh pleeeease let them bring back peppermint mocha! and of course the most important thing about christmas, the day Jesus was borned. i know there is a lot of debate about whether He was really borned on that day and what not, but whatever, for me, Christmas is symbolic of the birth of Christ, and it doesn’t really matter when He was borned because he was, so thats that. And with the birth of Christ, hope came to Earth. Jesus brought with him the hope of salvation and the hope of deliverance, and the hope of being free from sin. Hope of freedom from the pain and suffering in the world. Hope of a peace inside each of us. Hope in the form of an assurance that one day we’ll see the purpose of all these.

 I am going thru a pretty rough time now, and sometimes I forget how important it is to have hope. and how blessed we are, to be able to hope.

Love, it is always worth it.

October 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

i made a bet with uncle shawn that i’ll stay off facebook for a month, and today is day 6. AND BECAUSE I CANNOT GO ON FB i’ll upload the photos that i would have uploaded on fb here. haha staying off fb is so not helping me study. i buy a lot more because i shop a lot more since there is nothing else to do during class. except to listen. maybe that is the point hmmmmm.

gerry’s art piece

the dust bin after property tutorial at 8.30pm every tuesday

anyway, the only bright spot in my terrible tuesdays is the late dinners we have after class. haha we went to old airport road yesterday! where gerry made wilbur feel terribly awkward and after where ron made us feel terribly unsafe. (HAHA! thanks for the ride though) i actually kinda like law school. just not the law part crraapzzz

sigh exams are really really close and i am absolutely screwed 😦 thank God i did okayishly for property. but i really think walter is gonna give me a D omgeee please walter, have a heart i want to make it to the picture on the hallways.

omg i think he gets his laziness from me

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