quiet mornings

March 19, 2010 § 1 Comment

i love the quietness of the morning and the tranquility silence brings.  haha i had an inspiration to write something but the urge passed as quickly as it came

i got baptised yesterrrrday! and it was an amaaaazing experience. yesterday was like the weirdest day ever. was completely D: about crim the whole day and went into church feeling super zzzzz and like oh man why does baptism have to be on a day when i felt like absolute shyte. and as the service went on, i was reminded that as children of God, we can overcome sin and the things of the world because our hope is in the Lord. It is no longer our personal lives that matter, we might as well be dead. As we believe in Christ, we are reborned in him, and live only by faith. And having a God that conquered even death, we need not be afraid of the things that the world throws at us, because all we need to care about is remembering to put him first. Who we are and what we are does not depend on what we think we are but who God has made us and want us to be. Our sole identity is not girl-who-is-damn-smart or conversely girl-who-is-damn-stupid but follower of Christ.

Had a conversation with Joelle yesterday about God, law school, future no lifeness and yeah she said something that really struck something in me. She was telling me about how just because God calls you to something, people assume life would be a bed of roses after.

my recent unauthorized entry in Joash's room

my recent adventure into Joash’s room. since it is not often i thought i should take a picture to remember haha btw try this game it is like damn super fun.

1. take a clock as above

2. wait till the start of a new minute

3. take as many peektures as you can before the one minute passes! haha fer scolded me when i introduced her to the game horrible person

shallow and pretty things

March 10, 2010 § 3 Comments

i am always buying useless but pretty things and inevitably killing my wallet for no good reason. i was thinking of all the stupid things i bought (most of which do not exist anymore because they die after one day!… YES I AM LOOKING AT YOU BORDERS PENCIL)

rufus and said pencil

okay it doesn’t look that pretty now but in its heyday it was a very pretty pencil okay! i used to have like 3 of them and i use it especially during mr siow’s tuition because it cheers me up a little, doing math with a pretty pencil. but seriously, it really sucked as a pencil! it was wobbly (don’t ask me how a pencil can be wobbly) and it always broke my lead!

but the prettiest and most useless thing i ever bought has to be this..

HAHAHHA people who knew me at that time probably would know what this is. and most don’t believe it really is what it is. but it was my lovely phone of like 2 years!! i still have it because i couldn’t bear to part with it! i had like super fast moving and flexible thumbs during this phone’s life because i had to physically scroll letter by letter to type a text message omg good days indeed.

a lot of people used to ask me if it could be opened and the answer is NO! it actually just lights up on the reflective part.like so…

COOL HUH! it is a lot prettier in person!! haha

and it came with a pretty charger too

SEEE the ugly wires are all rolled up and hidden! haha

but having said that, that phone made my life miserable!! utterly miserable.

but on the bright side. everyone loves it! I STILL DO!


March 5, 2010 § Leave a comment

LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON MY SISTER’S DESK-looks like a super pro form of something.. to my horror…

HIGHLIGHTER?? OMG?? what kind of people make highlighters in steel?

ohh. useful for students who feel like breaking things every few mins. speaking of breaking things..crim looms ahead tooodles!

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