
October 28, 2009 § Leave a comment

God works when you least expect it(: i really thank God for today and pray that He has planted seeds that will someday grow into fruits that are pleasing to him. I can’t believe i managed to say everything i said without crying, thank God for bringing healing to places that matter the most. I believe that he’ll make everything beautiful in his time.

on a side note, culture night was awesome. It reminded me again of why i love performing

but its so right.

October 27, 2009 § Leave a comment

i was so sure before, but in retrospect i am not sure what was it was i sure of. when i look at them i can’t help but ask God what exactly is so wrong with this relationship? Its a relationship based on trust, love, mutual respect  and many other things that ‘normal couples’ can only dream of. What exactly is wrong with going after this relationship that seems so right in every aspect?

We all hope to find someone whom we can call our soul mate. Someone who knows you more than  you sometimes know yourself. Someone who accepts all of you and not just a part of you. Someone you can cry to without having to explain why you are feeling this way.

I have become very cynical about love and attraction and things of that ilk. Maybe its the things I see, or maybe its just innocence that has ran its natural course. Its so hard to just leave it up to God and say, whatever it is God, i know you have a plan for me. In a world so convinced of itself, its easy to lose focus on what is important and who is important. The world advocates the ‘doctrine’ of feeling. As long as it feels right to you, go ahead and do it. But is it really alright? And on whose definition is it alright? I remember Pastor Alvin’s sermon on the right side up God in an upside down world. He mentioned that what the world thinks is right is not necessary what God knows is right. But the world is not dumb, or rather Satan isn’t. It is so easy to fall into temptation that is packaged so nicely and assume that something so beautiful would obviously be right in the eyes of our God who is the God of beauty; just look around you to admire the beauty of creation!

i don’t know what point i am trying to make here, but just trying to make sense of the words that are swirling around in my head. Hopefully someday i’ll understand or hopefully someday i’ll see how unimportant the answer actually is.

gyms and weird machines

October 21, 2009 § Leave a comment

went to the gym with wanqin today haha it was quite fun i think hahaha should do it every week! it really gets your mind off things

i am really glad i went for cell today, truly God blessed us because we came(:

-even when you sin God will make you tunics!

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